Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana was established on October 1, 1965 by Decree No. PTIP 248 / Sek / PU / 1965 dated October 20, 1965 with two departments: Department of Architecture and Fine Arts Department. In 1968 the Senate approved Udayana University established the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana thus has three departments of the Department of Architecture, Fine Arts Department and Engineering Department Sipil.Untuk meet the high interest of the public to education Bachelor of Civil Engineering, especially for employees derived from government offices, State-Owned Enterprises and private, and based on Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture No. 555 / DIKTI / KEP / 1997, opened Extension Program.
On March 13, 2003 issued License from the Directorate General of Higher Education in Jakarta number: 485 / D / T2003 Subject: Permits operation of Master of Civil Engineering Graduate Program S2 level at Udayana University
Each year the Department of Civil Engineering accept new students who come from various regions in Indonesia. Regular admissions program is implemented through two selection system: PMDK and SNCA. For Extension Program, the selection carried out by a separate system.
For students who excel Regular Program provided scholarships are sourced from various public and private circles.
Vision :
- Realizing institutions Department of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering, University of Udayana as an institution of higher education in the field of civil engineering and quality engineering in the sense of being able to manage independently and professional education.
- Realizing institutions Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University as an institution of higher education in the field of civil engineering and engineering academically respected and taken into account both regionally, nationally and internationally.
Mission :
- Delivering the students / learners after completes his education at this institution to control, develop science and technology in the field of civil engineering sciences and engineering.
- Carry out tasks so that the graduates produced become academically qualified person in order to meet the demands of the labor market in the field of industry and the needs of the wider community and are able to compete both regionally, nationally and internationally.
- To empower, enhance and improve all the potential that exists in institutions such as human resources (faculty, staff, technicians), educational facilities, systems administration and others so that they can organize learning well and smoothly.

Jabatan : Kepala Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 19691016199601100
Nama Pejabat : I Ketut Sudarsana, ST, Ph.D
Periode Awal : 2015-08-01
Periode Akhir : 2019-08-01
Website :

Jabatan : Sekretaris Jurusan/Program Studi
NIP : 196804051994122001
Nama Pejabat : Ir. Ida Ayu Made Budiwati, MSc., Ph.D.
Periode Awal : 2015-08-01
Periode Akhir : 2019-08-01
Website :
Address : Kampus Bukit Jimbaran
Telephone : 0361-703385
Email : sipil@unud.ac.id
Website : sipil.unud.ac.id